The Kel-Tec P17 is simple, inexpensive, and dependable. If you’re looking for a 17-round, compact. If you want a 22LR pistol with more bells and whistles than a Christmas Day parade, the P17 is the gun for you! Don’t be fooled by the small size. This tack driver is a small pistol. The P17’s excellent trigger, fiber optic front sight, and adjustable rear sight assist you in extending its range.
KEL TEC P17 In Stock Now For Sale Near Me Online Buy Cheap| Review| Kel-Tec P17|
KEL TEC P17 In Stock Now For Sale Near Me Online Buy Cheap| Review| Kel-Tec P17| –
It’s a handy little gadget. 22LR that instills confidence while also burning the target’s eyes. The P17 is small enough to be concealed by almost anyone, weighing less than 14 ounces fully loaded and measuring barely longer than a dollar bill. Just keep it in mind for when you need it! Standard features include a threaded barrel, Picatinny-style accessory rail, ambidextrous safety, ambidextrous magazine release, and three (3) 16rd magazines. That’s a lot of added value in such a small package.
KEL TEC P17 In Stock Now For Sale Near Me Online Buy Cheap| Review| Kel-Tec P17|
KEL TEC P17 In Stock Now For Sale Near Me Online Buy Cheap| Review| Kel-Tec P17| –
Every tool serves a purpose, and having the right tool for the job increases your chances of success. Its size, weight, and caliber are ideal for training that new shooter in your life. The P17 is also a great training tool for more experienced shooters looking to hone their skills on a budget.
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